Author: paiche

  • Publication of E-Tech International’s Mirador Mine Strategy for 2024-2025

    This document reflects our perspective on how E-Tech can work with all actors in Ecuador:  Shuar, local, regional and national government, civil society, academic and other technical professionals and Ecuacorriente to reduce the immediate and long term risks the Mirador mine and its enormous tailings repository poses to Ecuadoran largely indigenous communities downstream and to…

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  • Tailings Dam Failure Model of Mirador Mine shows potential to take lives and contaminate large sections of rivers

    Updated In 2010, E-Tech received a request from the elected prefect/governor of the state of Zamora Chinchipe to analyze the environmental impacts of the Cordillera del Condor EcuaCorriente S.A. (ECSA) mine owned by Chinese government-dominated corporations. Since 2011, we have worked in Ecuador with technical experts assessing impacts from the ECSA copper open-pit Mirador mine…

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  • Rio Sonora/Cananea mine impacts project begins

    The Independent Socioenvironmental Rio Sonora Water Project (PSIRS in Spanish) was catalyzed by the 2014 12-million-gallon acid spill from Grupo Mexico’s Cananea Mine that devastated the Rio Sonora and neighboring communities for 200 miles to the south. PSIRS devises strategies to protect the water, health, environment, and livelihood of communities along the river by joining…

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  • Los costos de la contaminación y la remediación petrolera

    E-Tech/Indigenous federation consultant, Mario Zuniga, summarizes the costs and scope of cleaning up the Loreto, Peru Amazon basins.   E-Tech staff along with Mario have been overseeing and coordinating the beginning of remediation—which lacks funding–under the 2015-16 national-indigenous accords for remediation and rehabilitation of hundreds of polluted sites over more than 2500 square miles in…

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  • Independent Technical Study of Lote 1AB describes problem of oil contamination and steps for remediation (Spanish only)

    The department of Loreto, Peru has a great biodiversity and is home to Achuar, Quechua and Kichwa Amazonian indigenous peoples. In this area also lies the former 1AB oil field. The hydrocarbon activity has affected the biodiversity and human health. In this context, the Multisectoral Commission for “Development of the Pastaza, Tigre, Corrientes and Marañón…

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  • Loreto 2018 E-tech Monitoring Report

    E-Tech staff Diana Papoulias and Ricardo Segovia, working with Evelyn Blondeel have created a summary of  how E-Tech has worked both training and learning from indigenous monitors in the four watersheds of the Peruvian Amazon basin where communities are monitoring 45 years of oil pollution: the Maranon, Pastaza, Tigre and Corrientes rivers.   In addition to…

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  • Subtitles added to “Voices of the Pueblo Kukama” by Ricardo Segovia

    Ricardo Segovia has added English Subtitles to his recently completed video.

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  • 2017 Peruvian Human Rights Award

    Apus of four Loreto federations partnered with e-tech win the 2017 Peruvian human rights award for developing and implementation of oil cleanup treaty. Dec 11 2017    

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    Ricardo Segovia recently completed a video made with the Kukama people in the Maranon with whom E-Tech works.   They slowly discuss who they are, plants, fish animals they eat, and the film morphs into the hell of oil spill destruction in the Maranon.    Called Voces of the Pueblo Kukama it proceeds at its own slow…

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  • Indigenous Communities in Peruvian Amazon Facing Oil Cleanup

    August 3, 2017 excellent article in the Guardian by David Hill on the complex oil pollution situation in Loreto Peru Amazon Basinthat is an E-Tech top priority.  It focuses on the larger picture and stands out for it’s careful research.  

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