PERU Loreto- New report released July 2015 by E-tech

Las Mejores Prácticas para la Caracterización, Remediación, y Monitoreo Ambiental de la Contaminación Petrolera en Las Áreas Naturales Protegidas de Loreto (Julio 2015) [or Best Practices for the Characterization, Remediation, and Environmental Monitoring of Petroleum Contamination in Protected Areas of Loreto, Peru] 

July 2015: This document was prepared by E-Tech staff in cooperation with Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR), Iquitos, Peru using funds from the Moore Foundation. The objective of the report is to provide guidance on the best generally-accepted practices to employ when remediating petroleum industry-impacted sites on lands that have been designated as protected for their biological and ecological importance. The 55-page report briefly describes the specific remediation considerations that a protected area warrants before detailing the various phases of problem characterization, planning, and remediation. The case of an oil spill in Reserva Pacaya Samiria and the appalling failure to remediate is used as an example throughout the report. To Peru’s credit, many of the laws and regulations are in place to support and guide quality remediation activities by government agencies. However, enforcement is historically lacking. Emphasis is placed on involving the communities within and adjacent to the protected areas in monitoring the remediation activities and effects during and after remediation. The protected areas often provide important ecological services to the community members, and it is in their interest to assure clean-up is effective. In addition to the report, the reader will find five Appendices that give specific and detailed information on Peruvian standards for hydrocarbon-related contaminants, relevant laws and guidelines, and additional information on remediation techniques for soil and water.

At this time it is available in Spanish:

July 2015 Report Loreto Peru En Espanol
