Peru: Camisea Natural Gas/Natural Gas Liquids Project, Peru (2004-2007)

Independent Monitoring of the Camisea Natural Gas Project, Peru (2004-2005) 

In October of 2003, E-Tech International began exploring with Peruvian civil society the creation of a long-term social and environmental monitoring and response program for the 700-km long Camisea natural gas project. In March 2004, E-Tech met with governmental, industrial, and civil society stakeholders in Peru and developed the initial elements of an independent social and environmental monitoring and response program. In May, 2004, E-Tech and the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment (NCEIA) met with project investor Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington, DC to discuss and subsequently formally propose a short-term audit by NCEIA and a long-term independent monitoring program. E-Tech continues to work with Peruvian civil society to analyze current monitoring conducted by industry and the IDB and to better define the environmental elements of an independent monitoring and response program for the Camisea project.

Camisea Project Pipeline Ruptures (2005-2007)

E-Tech conducted an independent audit of the Camisea natural gas liquids pipeline from October 2005 through July 2007 to determine the reasons behind the frequent ruptures of the pipeline and to determine the steps necessary to ensure the integrity of the pipeline over the long-term. E-Tech’s intervention was controversial and widely reported in part because concerns over pipeline integrity raised in the report and initial resistance of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Peruvian government to conducting transparent audits of pipeline problems. The documents and articles below covering the period February 2006 through December 2007 provide a chronology of E-Techs actions as well as those of IDB and Peruvian government who ultimately responded with an audit that included many of E-Tech’s recommendations.
